Sunday 25 November 2012

Public transport

I'm typing this whilst stuck, on a train, between Slaithwaite & Huddersfield. Quite a nice place to be stuck usually, however this morning, it is dark, cold and the black sky is full of rain.

A man in a bright orange bib has just walked past me, 'branch on the line' he tells the woman three aisles down from me.

A minute later the train starts to move, I am on my way again, ah the joys of Public Transport.

Friday 28 October 2011

Here are some images that I shot digitally and then applied Alien Skin filters in Photoshop to achieve that 'film' look, quite happy with the results...

Color Film - Agfa Optima

Black and White Film - High Key - Platinum Toning (warm)

Color Film - Agfa RSX II 100 - Lomo LC-A

Black and White Film - Ultra Contrast - 75% Light

Color Film - Fuji Provia 100F - Strong Vignette

Black and White Film - Ilford HP5 Plus 400 - Overexposed

Color Film - Agfa CT Precisa 100 - Lomo LC-A.jpg

Color Film - Kodak Royal Gold 400, Milder a

Black and White Film - Kodak Technical Pan

Color Film - Bleach Bypass - Blown Highlights

Color Film - Kodak Royal Gold 400, Milder

Color Film - Fuji Provia 100F a

Color Film - Technicolor Process 2 - Soft Vignette a

Black and White Film - No Halation - Moderate Wood Effect a

Black and White Film - Mostly Red (good for people)

Black and White Film - Mostly Red - Brighter a 
Black and White Film - Kodak HIE - Halation Moderate Thin

1Color Film - Agfa RSX II 100 - Lomo LC-A 
Color Film -  Print Film 100%

Color Film - Agfa Optima a

Color Film - Fuji Provia 100F - Strong Vignette a

Black and White Film - No Halation - Moderate Wood Effect

Color Film - Lomo - Konica Film

Color Film - Technicolor Process 2 - Soft Vignette

Black and White Film - Orthochromatic (early photography)

Color Film - Bleach Bypass - Blown Highlights a

Color Film - Ultra Contrast -  75% Light

Color Film - Fuji Provia 100F

Color Film - Technicolor Process 2 (2-Strip).jpg